
Showing posts from March, 2018


Home could be anything to you. To me, home is not a physical place. Home is when i'm with the people I love being my normal, crazy self. It is the feeling of unconditional love and laughter. Recently I saw some of my best friends who I hadn't seen a few months, and when we were together it felt like there had never been any distance whatsoever. That is what home is to me. I could be in my house, but it doesn't always feel like home. It feels like home when I hear my parents screaming at the TV watching sports or when my brother is screaming at his xbox. When I am "home" I get a happy and warm feeling.

dear diary

Dear diary, Today I won the interview! Walking into the office thinking of the Mayor and Mrs. Chvojka sitting there waiting for me was a really scary thought. When Mrs. Chvojka led me into the room where my interview took place and I saw the mayor, who just looked like a normal guy, it really calmed me down. I thought he would be wearing a suit and would have a very serious expression, but he just looked chill and happy to be there. I did not expect to win by any means, but when I found out the wonderful news that I had won I was so proud of myself. I texted my mom and she was so, so happy! This made me feel really good about myself :) Keep carrying on.