About Me

Hey guys, my name is Mia and I am 13 years old and my birthday is October 26. I enjoy dancing, hanging out with friends, and going on my phone. My favorite subject in school is Spanish because we get to play fun games. My favorite thing to do with my friends is to try new food places and just to hang out at the park or somewhere chill like that. My least favorite subject in school is definitely math. I have never enjoyed math and I don't think I ever will.  Even though math is really hard, I still enjoy school a lot. My classmates make me laugh all the time and being with them distracts me from any problems I have outside of school. I also love pizza and basically anything unhealthy. I would describe myself as a girly girl (usually).  I'm really excited to have this blog because I get to share my thoughts with whoever is reading this. I hope you enjoy Mia Mania!
