free post :)

Hey guys :) So my birthday is in 4 days and I am going to be 14 (woah). Even though i'm still young, I've learned some valuable lessons. So here's 3 important things that I've learned in my 13 (almost 14) years:

1. NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO LIKE YOU- Even if you're a people pleaser, that doesn't mean everyone is going to like you. Maybe it has absolutely nothing to do with you, maybe it does. Either way it doesn't really matter in the end. As long as you're happy with who you are, you shouldn't let someone not liking you bother you.

2. ITS OKAY TO FEEL SAD- If you're going through a rough time, you're always trying to feel happy again, but maybe we should all just let ourselves be sad for a little bit. If we keep telling ourselves that its not okay to feel what we really feel, then how are we supposed to get better?

3. DON'T LET YOUR HAPPINESS DEPEND ON ONE PERSON- It's okay to be really close with someone, but they shouldn't be the only person that makes you happy. What's gonna happen when that person isn't in your life anymore? Let that sink in.
